Friday, December 21, 2007

Omaha mall shootings and Colorado church shootings.

Only goes to show my philosophy - Don't go to malls; don't go to church.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

If God doesn't get involved then there must be no right or wrong.

God doesn't make right or wrong. God only makes is or isn't.

People make right or wrong.

If there is a God, how can 7 year old girls die of brain tumors?

Organized religion has created its own god. Not for the good of believers but the good of the clergy. Whether that organized religion is Muslum, Christian, Budist, Hindu, or a South American medicine man. The object of organized religion is to benefit the guy/gal wearing a special costume, whether that costume be a red cape and pointy hat or a bone in the nose.

God created the universe and our small part called Earth. Rules were set up so all things can happen. God doesn't get involved with small things like us. So, when children get sick and die, there is no purpose other than life happens and then it ends. There is always a cause for a new life and a cause for its end, but it isn't directed by God.

Is God real?

Yes God is real.

God is a very simple being. God is simply God. If you try to make more of God than what God is, you will lose your connection.

Monday, November 19, 2007

How to measure

Never, Never, Never use actual measuring devices. Learn how to estimate a teaspoon and tablespoon in the cup of your hand. Instead of measuring a cup, guess. Your results will be much better.

My secret chili recipe

ADVANCE PREP: Put one six pack in the fridge and one iced down in a cooler in the Garage. Open one can of beer from fridge, read the ingredients list and make a shopping list for the ingredients you don't have. Finish the beer and give the shopping list to your wife to go get. Tell her you can't go cause you've had a beer. After she leaves, open a beer from the cooler in the garage and pop in the DVD "About Last Night" and watch the good parts with Demi Moore. Finish the beer and get another from the cooler. When your wife returns, swear you only had one beer and show her there are still 5 in the fridge.

Ingredients: 1.5 lbs roast beef; 1 green pepper; 1 cup onion; 5 slices of bacon (or ham); 2 six packs beer (get these ahead of time); 1 16 oz can italian diced tomatoes; 1 cup diced celery; 1 fresh whole jalepeno; 1/4 tsp garlic pwdr; 1 4oz can green chilies diced; 1/4 tsp oregano; 1 1/2 tbls chili powder; 1 6 ox can tomato paste; 1 tsp sugar; 2 tsp salt; 1 tsp worcester sauce;, 1/4 tsp cumin powder; 1/4 tsp dry mustard.

Open another beer from the fridge. Open the tomatos and green chilles and put in a bowl. Add garlic powder, oregano, sugar, salt, mustard powder, corn starch and cumin. Stir well. If wife not in the kitchen, get another beer from the cooler.

Cut the roast into 3/4 inch cubes. Use a sissors as you probably are not in shape to use a knife. Cut the bacon or ham in 3/4 inch slices. Brown over a medium heat. Ask your wife to dice the onions, green peppers and celery as you will need a knife to do it and you are in no shape to use a knife. Show her there are still 4 beers in the fridge and you just need a little help with the veggies. while she dices, go to garage and get another beer from the cooler.

Add the onion, pepper and celery to the meat. cook until tender. Ask her to get the worcestershire sauce out of the fridge. (Make sure you had previously put it on top of the beers so she will readily notice there are still 4 beers there.)

Tell her the cap on the worcestershire sauce is stuck and you are going to get some pliers from the garage. Get another beer from the cooler.

Pour the bowl of ingredients in with the meat and veggies, cover and simmer. Return the pliers to the garage and get the last beer from the cooler.

Swap out the "About Last Night" DVD with "Sleepless in Seattle" and ask your wife to join you. Ask her to bring you a beer from the fridge saying the one you have is now warm. The remaining 3 beers in the fridge should get you thru the movie. When the movie is over the chili is done.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007